We all like easy and acronyms and abbreviations can make it easier to remember a long name. But first you’ve got to know what they are, so here are some of the acronyms you’ll see and hear on campus.
Colleges & Schools
- CART: College of the Arts
- CCHL: College of Community Health
- CEEL: College of Education and Engaged Learning
- CHSS: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- CSAM: College of Science and Mathematics
- NURS: School of Nursing
- SBUS: Feliciano School of Business
- SCM: School of Communication and Media
- UC: University College
- CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services
- CCE: Center for Community Engagement
- CSI: Center for Student Involvement
- DIT: Division of Information Technology
- DOS: Dean of Students
- DRC: Disability Resource Center
- EMS: Emergency Medical Services
- EOF: Educational Opportunity Fund
- HP: Health Promotion
- HR: Human Resources
- OSB:Office of Student Belonging
- RHA: Residence Hall Association
- RHC: Red Hawk Central
- RMS: Residential Management System
- SDCL: Student Development and Campus Life
- STCT: Student Center
- SRC: Student Recreation Center
- SHC: Student Health Center
Course Schedule Building Listing
- View Campus Map
- 1515: Broad Street (Off main campus)
- BOHN: Bohn Hall
- CCIS: Center for Computing and Information Science
- CCSV: Center for Clinical Services
- CELS: Center for Environmental and Life Sciences
- CHPN: Chapin Hall
- CLCA: Calcia Hall
- DKSN: Dickson Hall
- FNLY: Finley Hall
- FRMN: Freeman Hall
- LIBR: Sprague Library
- LIFE: Life Hall
- MRHD: Morehead Hall
- NURS: The School of Nursing & The Graduate School
- PNZR: Panzer Athletic Center – Gymnasium
- RICH: Richardson Hall
- SBUS: Feliciano School of Business
- SCHM: Conrad Schmitt Hall
- SCIE: Science Hall
- SCM: School of Communication and Media
- UNIV: University Hall
- WEBS: Webster Hall
- CAMP: Commuter Assistance Mentorship Program
- CARE Team: Crisis, Assessment, Response and Education Team
- CWID: Campus-Wide Identification
- FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- NEST: Networked Engagement and Student/Staff Transactions
- NetID: Network Identification
- SGA: Student Government Association
- SLAM: Student Life at Montclair
- MSU: Montclair State University
- or Michigan State University
- or Montana State University
- or Missouri State University
- or Mississippi State University
- or Morehead State University
- or Murray State University
- or…you get the picture! Just use Montclair State University!